The Professional Way of Doing Flag Pole Installation

One has to follow the proper in-ground flag pole installation. This type of appliance is placed directly in the ground. When this type of flagpole is properly installed, it can withstand wind speed of up to a maximum of 130 mph. As in other home improvement projects, in-ground ones such as those used with feather flags are expected to add on the aesthetic value of your home property.

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Wind speed is a critical variable when installing your in-ground type. In order to appreciate the significance of this critical variable, simply hold a fairly sized flag during a windy day and you will immediately discover how critical it is for you to consider the size of the flag and wind blow in the installation of the flagpole. You can verify the diameter size of the flagpole by verifying the sizing charts with your dealer or manufacturer.

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The foundation for an in-ground type of flag pole is prepared by digging a hole in a pre-selected spot and wetting it before the concrete is poured onto it. Before the concrete settles, a cylindrical flagpole sleeve is then inserted. The ground sleeve used in the foundation of the flag pole is a thick cylinder made of steel with a wide base design and an open top portion. The ground sleeve is used for the protection of the flagpole from the corrosion when the flagpole gets into contact with concrete. The outer part of the ground sleeve has steel plates to keep it firmly in place once concrete is poured into the foundation. On the other hand, you can find wedges in the inner portion of the ground sleeve that firmly settles the flag pole at the center of the foundation. The ground sleeve also has a ground spike to channel off the lightning.

In addition to the ground sleeve, the foundation of the structure will also have a flash collar. It is fitted just above the ground sleeve and at the bottom part to serve as a protective cover from harmful elements and give the foundation a clean cut finish. The gap between the flag pole and flash collar is filled with concrete to achieve a perfect seal preventing water to infiltrate into the flagpole and the foundation.

It is essential to install your in-ground one far below ground to ensure that it will not easily topple down under intense wind blow. One should consider ten percent of the total height as the minimum depth of the foundation of your in-ground flag pole. If you are installing larger flagpoles it would be a good idea to seek the help of a professional. When buying the materials for your flag pole, you can verify with the dealer if they are offering free assistance in the installation of the flagpole.

Before you start your flagpole installation, it is imperative that you learn all the important stuffs about flagpole and flagpole installation. You have to understand important aspects about flagpole which include information on the types of flagpole.

The Professional Way of Doing Flag Pole Installation
Chuck Drill

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